Make Your Voice Heard on the FY24 Capital Budget
At Nashville Public Library Foundation, we envision a library system that is welcoming, well-functioning, and well-maintained. One that provides equitable access to library services and spaces throughout the city. In short, a library system that is well funded. Unfortunately, Nashville Public Library is far from that reality. Due to historic underfunding and long overdue investments […]
NPL and NPLF Announce New Puppet Show Featuring the Work of Kate DiCamillo

Kate Di Camillo In Conversation with Ann Patchett andWishing Chair Productions Premiere La, La, La on Nov. 4 By Ed Brown NASHVILLE, Tenn. –Nashville Public Library and the Nashville Public Library Foundation are proud host a free event honoring award-winning and “New York Times” best-selling author, Kate DiCamillo, as the 2023 Literary Award winner. […]
NPLF to Honor Kate DiCamillo as 2023 Literary Award Winner

Nashville Public Library and the Nashville Public Library Foundation are proud to honor award-winning and New York Times best-selling author, Kate DiCamillo, as the 2023 Literary Award winner. DiCamillo’s impressive collection of children’s literature is impactful for readers of all ages, which makes her the ideal recipient for this award, sponsored by UBS and Sandra Schatten Foundation.