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Give Thanks for Our Library

Why is saying thank you important?

More than 90% of Nashville Public Library’s budget comes from public funding. In 2024, Metro Council invested $46.4 million to keep our Main Library and 20 branches well-staffed, well-stocked, and well-maintained.

In the Fiscal Year 2025 Capital Budget, Metro Council committed an unprecedented $30 million for major maintenance projects across the library system, along with $15 million for essential preventative maintenance, renovations at two branches, and initial design work for two new branches.

Tell Us Why You Love NPL!

Throughout the month of March, send a virtual postcard to our elected officials who fund Nashville Public Library. Use our online form to write a note of thanks and tell us about your favorite NPL programs. We will print and deliver our Thank-a-thon messages to Metro Council in April. 

My Friends and Family LOVE NPL Too!

NEW THIS YEAR. Enlist your friends and family! 
Fill out this form to request a packet of postcards and heart-shaped cards sent to your home or work. When all the library-lovers you know have written a note of thanks, simply return to your home branch in the envelope provided. Deadline to request postcards is March 14. Please return completed postcards to your local branch by March 28


See What Our Neighbors Are Saying About Nashville Public Library