Represents Historic Gift for the Library & Offers Hope for Transformational Model

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – NASHVILLE (November 12, 2024) — The Nashville Public Library Foundation announced today the most significant gift in their 27-year history – a $4.5 million investment by The Dollywood Foundation, home of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library to kickstart Nashville Public Library (NPL)’s groundbreaking, new early literacy program called Begin Bright.
Begin Bright is a new initiative aimed at ensuring every Nashville child starts kindergarten reading ready by combining Dolly Parton’s longstanding commitment to get books in the hands of young children with Nashville Public Library’s innovative and award-winning early literacy programming and new technology that will vastly extend the impact of those books – providing training and literacy resources for parents, childcare providers and more.
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library began in Tennessee and celebrates its 30th anniversary next year. Imagination Library programs exist in all 50 states and 5 countries around the world, mailing over 3 million books in the hands of children each month. Its promise is simple – gifting high-quality, age-appropriate books free of charge to children from birth to age five.
“I really believe this partnership can make a huge impact on inspiring a love of reading for children and families. And one of the best parts is that Nashville can once again light the way for the nation,” said Dolly Parton.
Kindergarten reading-readiness is a foundational skill that determines success throughout a child’s school career and life. Begin Bright is Nashville Public Library’s early literacy plan aimed at addressing kindergarten reading-readiness. The new initiative will deliver a Little Library filled with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Books and a host of NPL resources to every childcare center in the county. A new app will provide on-demand digital early literacy training for parents and teachers using the NPL’s award-winning content. Vanderbilt University’s Prenatal to 3 Policy Impact Center will study the results, creating an actionable, measurable, replicable model.
“We are humbled by Ms. Parton’s incredible act of generosity,” said Foundation president, Shawn Bakker. “Not only has The Dollywood Foundation given all the books necessary to fulfill a key pillar of the program, but the historic financial contribution will enable the Library to accelerate launch of this program within the fiscal year. Dolly Parton is a transformational figure in worlds of philanthropy and literacy, and we are thrilled to partner with her and excited about the impact this promises to have on our city.”
Nashville Public Library Foundation is an independent nonprofit organization that raises private support for Nashville Public Library (NPL). The gift comes at a key time as the Foundation undertakes a major fundraising campaign for Begin Bright. Bakker added, “We are assembling a group of visionary community leaders to support the library as it makes a major expansion of its early literacy programming. The new initiative and expanded resources will be unlike anything else happening in the country. We are honored that the program will happen in Nashville first.”
Interim Library Director Terri Luke commented, “We are honored to join Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library in this first-in-the-nation partnership. Nashville Public Library is committed to setting our city’s young children on a pathway to reading success. With Dolly Parton’s passion for bringing books to children and her legacy of bringing communities together through her Imagination Library, this partnership now sets us on an inspired, heart-filled journey together – a legend, a library, and the community it serves.”
The Foundation initially aims to raise $20 million for Begin Bright’s implementation and to build an endowment that sustains the program. The Library will roll out the program in the spring of 2025.
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