Our board members represent numerous fields and sectors, bringing with them a range of experiences and expertise. They provide invaluable counsel and direction to the Foundation.
Board Of Directors
Kasar Abdulla
Community Volunteer
Ronette Adams-Taylor
Meharry Medical College
Melinda Balser
Community Volunteer
McLean Barbieri
Annali Interiors
Alvaro Manrique Barrenechea
Vanderbilt University
Samantha Boyd
Jeffrey Fiduciary Company
Tricia Carswell
Furman University
Monica Cintado
HCA Healthcare
Kate Ezell
Ezell Consulting
Imaan Ferdowsi
Michelle Gaskin Brown
Nathan Green
Vanderbilt University
Meg Harris
Lucy Haynes
Chair, Community Volunteer
Don Holmes
Community Volunteer, Executive/Human Resources Consultant