Nashville Public Library Foundation funds, advocates, and amplifies NPL to power literacy, life skills, and connection for all.

Foundation Events


We power Literacy, Life Skills, and Connection @ NPL


Literacy changes lives. Through NPL's expansive collection and award-winning programming, children can develop strong foundations, build literacy skills, and expand their imaginations.

Life Skills

All people deserve the resources and tools to live informed, choice-filled lives. NPL programming helps patrons learn critical skills, receive support, and reach their goals.


Nashville Public Library thrives as a vibrant and dynamic center with open and equal access - a place where civic discourse is strengthened, human connections are formed, and all are welcome.

About The Foundation

In the library of the 21st century, books are only half the story. Today’s community library is an agile information hub for personal empowerment, continuously adapting to meet the needs of its patrons and the rapidly changing circumstances of our society. Government funding pays for staff, books, and buildings, but the programs that make Nashville Public Library a community jewel require more support than is available in public funds. The Nashville Public Library Foundation provides that bridge.

Wear Your Support on your Sleeve

Visit our Bonfire Store to purchase NPL merchandise and support NPL’s collection. All proceeds benefit Nashville Public Library. 

Every dollar you give now through April 1 will be DOUBLED!